Friday, October 4, 2013

October 1 CA-1 Coastal Highway

We left the hotel in Dublin little after 8:30am and headed west across the bridge over the San Francisco Bay. We cut across the southern part of the city past the international airport to pick up Hwy 1 in Daley City. We have been blessed with a clear cool day in the mid 60s for the coastal drive back down to Los Angeles.

Harbor seal sunning on rocks
Pigeon Point Lighthouse

We stopped in Santa Cruz about 1:30pm and got a sandwich at Togo's. We saw some beautiful coastlinealong the way, a couple lighthouses, one seal and several people with some kind of para-sail boards.
Point Montera Lighthouse
  The surf was high so we saw several surfers along the way too. We made it to San Simeon by dark and found the room.

Point Sur Lighthouse
 We saw some more redwood trees and 2 more lighthouses on the way and stopped often to take pictures of the coastline and surf
Point Pinos Lighthouse

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