Friday, October 11, 2013

October 10-11 Tucson, AZ to El Paso, TX

We spent an extra night in Tucson because of high winds. We used the extra day there to do laundry and rest. This morning we logged on to watch the Grandparent's day program at Grace Christian. The kindergarteners sang several songs for their part and Caitlin did a great job. We left Tucson about 10am and headed east again on Hwy 10 through, Arizona and New Mexico to El Paso, TX and arrived about 6pm.  We left the saguaros behind soon after we left Tucson. One thing I haven't gotten used too is how far it is between major cities out west and there isn't always much to see: mountains, desert, prairie...not that it doesn't have its own beauty, but it does get a bit monotonous after a couple hours. We did finally drive though some relatively flat land today though.  Here are a few pictures of the scenery along Hwy 10.

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