Sunday, October 6, 2013

October 5-6 LA to Phoenix, AZ

Yes, we are finally heading east again.  It was a long drive through the desert from LA to Phoenix yesterday. It was twilight by the time we got to the campground. It wasn't a flat drive like you would expect...we were going up and down hills with mountains on either side in the distance.  We passed another large wind farm that went on for miles and had several different style windmills.  There was easily over a thousand of them.

We could tell when we crossed over into Arizona again by the abundance of seguara cactus. There are some huge ones even here in the campground.

This morning we visited a very friendly church, Hillside Baptist and enjoyed the service very much.  It is amazing that you can feel at home anywhere when you go to church with fellow believers. We are hanging out at the campground the rest of the day; catching up on the blog, doing laundry, paying bills... may check out the pool later.


  1. Glad to see you two having so much fun and enjoying each other.what a wonderful thing to do. God Bless and his Angels watch over U's

  2. Love the photos of Disneyland!! I've always wondered at the differences with Florida. And... Tower of Terror is my favorite as well! I also love that you get to go and see new churches each Sunday. Loving your blog! ~Carol
