Monday, October 21, 2013

October 20-1, Tx to Vicksburg, MS

Sunday morning we visited Pleasant View Baptist Church in Arlington, TX. It was a bit bigger than the last couple churches we visited and very friendly. Even though each church has its own style there is a sense of family when you are with others of like faith.  After lunch we walked a couple hours though part of the largest Flea Market I have ever seen then we went back to camp and did some laundry, made some phone calls and relaxed.

This morning we broke camp early and headed east again on I-20. You start seeing trees again in east Texas and by the time you cross over into Louisiana, you would think you were driving in eastern North Carolina except for a sign now and then that reminds you that you are in Louisiana.

We crossed the Mississippi River about 3:30 pm CT and found a campground in Vicksburg, MS.  We plan to drive through the Vicksburg Battlefield in the morning before we head east again.

Just got off the phone with our family in TN.  Happy 13th Birthday to our sweet granddaughter, Hanna!

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