Monday, September 2, 2013

All packed and READY to GO!!!

 Lorraine and I started our trip several weeks ago at Hilton Head Island where we were spending the weekend with Lorraine's brother John and his wife Beth. We had a great time and enjoyed staying at the beach.  We then came back to Holly Springs where we prepared for the trip across our great land.

All packed and ready to go.  It took us a lot longer to pack for a 2.5 month trip. We "think" we have everything but I'm sure we will forget something, let's hope it is something we can do without.  LOL. 
We tried to ensure that everything has a place and it is not in the way.  We love our little camper but since downsizing from a larger camper it has been some adjustment to find places for all our "stuff".

We had our "Farewell Supper" with our Granddaughter Caitlin, Daughter Trudy, and Son-in-law Steve at Toreros in Cary.

We are meeting our other Daughter Trina tomorrow as we pass though Blountville, TN.

Please pray for safety for us on this trip and that God will use us for His Glory!


  1. Sounds wonderful. You two look younger than last I knew ! Have a safe trip and God Bless, Ralph

  2. Safe travels and have a blast : )

  3. Hope you have a great trip and make some wonderful memories! We miss you already!

    Love you both! Xoxoxo
