Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 21st, Sedona, AZ

Today we spent several hours driving around the Sedona area, enjoying the unique red rock formations.
Snoopy Rock
Bell Rock

Montezuma Castle National Monument

Chimney Rock
We also stopped at the Montezuma Castle National Monument. The five story, 20 room cliff dwelling stands like a high-rise ancient apartment building standing guard over the valley below. It was built by the Sinaqua Indian Tribe about 700 years ago in the early 1300s. For reasons no one is sure, the Sinaqua abandoned this habitat in the 1400’s. Early settlers erroneously connected the Aztec emperor to these ruins but he wasn’t born until after the ruins were abandoned.

Later in the day we took the Pink Jeep sunset Coyote Canyon tour which was interesting. 

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