Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Amarillo, TX

Wednesday, September 11th, has been cloudy and cooler, low 80’s instead of high 90’s, which was perfect for going to Palo Duro Canyon State Park. On the way we stopped to see the Cadillac Ranch, part of the art group Ant Farm, near Amarillo, TX  and the Cadillac RV Park down the street from it.

Palo Duro Canyon is the 2nd largest canyon in the United States.  The rock formations are incredible and the cool thing is that you can drive down into the canyon.  There are hiking trails, bike trails and horse trails and even campgrounds in the canyon.  It is one of those places that every way you turn is a Kodak moment.  We easily spent 4-5 hours exploring there. 

On the way back we stopped at the Jack Sizemore RVMuseum.  It features over 15 vintage RV’s from 1936-1976 as well as vintage motorcycles and was very interesting.

If you click on the pictures it will allow you to see them larger.

Tomorrow we head for Santa Fe, NM.

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